

I watched The Fountain. I had read all of the horrible reviews of it, and I had hoped that there was something in this movie that would make me at least abstain from joining the vast majority of detractors. Alas, it's a shitty movie. Like Signs, all the greatly directed "moodiness" in the world can't help a crap plot. The acting was admirable, but one could say that about a million poorly-made cinematic dumps.

Maybe this failure will help Aronofsky in the long run, as his previous movies clearly show he has great potential. But this movie was little more than pretentious, boring, metaphysical sci-fi slop, one that doesn't even match Disney's.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Got it. Will watch, but with less hope.

  3. Make a pot of coffee, enjoy the pretty, and check your mind at the door.
