
Suffer The Little Children Pt 3

More disgusting news from the aggressively moral Christian right, one in our own state, whose clergy seem to like 15-year-old girls:
  1. Mobile-area Pastor raped and sodomized a 15-year-old girl.
  2. A Florida minister impregnated a 15-year-old girl.
I got both of these from PZ, and he states that he is listing these, and other, news stories to show that Christianity does not make you moral.
Religion doesn't make you bad, necessarily, but it sure doesn't make you good, either.
I don't completely agree. I think it's safe to assume that had these pastors and all those Catholic priests had a healthy view of sex and sexuality, as opposed to the Christian one, many of them would not be diddling children and teenagers. They wouldn't be operating churches, they would be operating sex clubs and sex shops for similar adults. In that case, I say some blame does lie with Christianity.

Even if you disagree, it's the added bonus of hypocrisy that gets me all giddy. I actually watch quite a bit of televangelist programming, and I frequently hear what they say is evil and amoral and what Jesus can do in your life if you follow his way. When I read these things, I feel nauseous as I chuckle.

Duncan Hunter Is An Asshole

From the Republican debate last night, when asked why the candidates think that American armed service members are not "professional enough to serve with gays and lesbians?"
And the reason for that, even though people point to the Israelis and point to the Brits and point to other people as having homosexuals serve, is that most Americans, most kids who leave that breakfast table and go out and serve in the military, make that corporate decision with their family, most of them are conservatives, and they have conservative values, and they have Judeo-Christian values. And to force those people to work in a small, tight unit with somebody who is openly homosexual, who goes against what they believe to be their principles -- and it is their principles -- is I think a disservice to them. And I agree with Colin Powell that it would be bad for unit cohesion.
What Hunter doesn't realize is that he might as well have said this:
Liberals, libertarians, moderates, and non-Jew/Christians are not patriots and don't serve in the military. Most of the people in the military are unprofessional, bigoted ignoramuses raised by insular, superstitious families; and these brave young men and women--who can handle guns and tanks and aircraft carriers--can't handle the gays. Having Judeo-Christian values or conservative values means that you can't work with or even be around open homosexuals on principle, and our primitive religion trumps any rational argument. Even having the filthy fags and dykes around is against Judeo-Christian principles and is a disservice to General Jesus. I'll drop Colin Powell's name, but don't reach down to pick it up: a homo might be behind you.
What's the difference, really?


Suffer The Little Children Pt 2

A Washington pastor raped little girls. Looks like 12, keeping with bible numerology.

Meanwhile, the followers of Cathol in PA are coughing up $3 million (that's pocket change to the papal cultists) for covering up molestations.

Jesus is Lord!

Suffer The Little Children

Crucifixes sold in US Christian book stores (gag) are made in a Dickensian Chinese sweatshop.

Truly, the poor are blessed:
Crucifixes are being made at the Junxingye Factory in Dongguan, China, by mostly young women — several just 15 and 16 years old — forced to work routine 14- to 15½-hour shifts, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 or 11:30 p.m., seven days a week. There are also frequent 17- to 18-hour shifts ending at 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. and even monthly all-night 22½- to 25-hour shifts before shipments must leave for the U.S. All overtime is mandatory, and anyone missing even a single overtime shift will be docked a full day’s wages. It is common for the workers to be at the factory at least 100 hours a week.

"Workers are paid just 26½ cents an hour, which is half of China’s legal minimum wage (already set at a below-subsistence level) of 55 cents an hour. After fees deducted for room and board, the workers take-home wage can drop to just nine cents an hour.

Hooray Magic Jesus!


Looks like CNN can write a whole piece on the current French riots without saying anything of value. Nowhere in the article are the two most obvious questions addressed in a journalistic manner:
  1. Who's rioting?
  2. Why?
However, if you're clever enough to notice a certain phrase repeated twice, like the clumsy obfuscations of a bad liar, you can figure it out.

"sons of African immigrants," "two men of North African descent"

Just say it CNN, for fucks sake! It's Muslim immigrants, and they are rioting against the police because they don't recognize French authoritah, especially the police.

I smell the piss-soaked pants of infotainers. Can someone find me a journalist?


Libertarians Among Us

Matt Welch & Nick Gillespie of Reason magazine make hopeful noises about the libertarian movement that is coalescing around Ron Paul, despite his faults, and what they (and we) hope it means - in the Washington Post, of all places.

One of our Pantheon

Teller's magical Vegas retreat


One Of The Better Ones

This afternoon, I was bored of packing, working, and sitting around mostly full boxes. So, I went to the movie theater. I hate going to the movies, but boredom forced my hand. I set out to see Beowulf, but instead ended up in The Mist.

It wasn't great, but just pretty good. The acting and directing was great (especially Marcia Gay Harden's spot-on performance as the religious freak). The plot was nothing you haven't seen before: people trapped in chaos--NOTLD, The Thing, etc. It was scary enough and compelling enough to keep me on edge and interested. The CGI was brilliant and totally seamless, in the end providing some surrealist, almost wonder-inspiring moments of Lovecraftian terror. And Darabont just barely pulled off the ending.

The best part: Darabont cranked up the anti-religious aspect of the story to 11. And then some. Even in a mostly empty theater in Alabama, people cheered, really cheered, against Harden's unhinged, vainglorious Christer character who wanted human sacrifices over solutions. The idea that a religious fanatic can eventually control a majority of a given population under stress rang true, and it became the focal point of the plot.

The movie was depressing, as almost all films of this sort are, so don't go in expecting to walk out feeling better. And there were some cliched characters and moments, not to mention several rather obvious plot holes. However, it was certainly one of the better Stephen King movies and would be worth a DVD rental in a few months.

Sarkozy Wins Strike

Are the French getting it?

Weird and Strangely Compelling

The Federation of Damanhur is an 'artistic' community in the Piedmont of Italy that secretly built underground temples, established their own currency and has gone global.
In the Daily Mail, at damanhur.info, & thetemples.org.

People are strange.


Coming soon to GateTree House...

... a voracious, sedentary frog that has teeth, can weigh up to 8 pounds, and can scream. I give you Ceratophrys cranwelli, Cranwell's Horned Frog.

I shall name him Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin for short), & acquire him December 4th. I think you'll like him, Clyde.

If You Can Do It, Do It Seriusly

I used part of my relocation budget to buy a Serius satelite radio thing. I LOVE it. Punk, alternative rock, Martha Stewart, Howard Stern, an entire gay channel, NPR, raunchy comedy, and the BBC...will I ever be bored in my car anymore?

I doubt it. Today I had to choose between Frank DeCapo, Sublime, and The Bouncing Souls. All hail our space-based entertainers!


Hitchens On Romney

Neil tried to sneak in the "you're an atheist, so..." argument. He failed.

I [Heart] Neil deGrasse Tyson

While I may disagree with him about some aspects of atheism/science and how to promote both, Neil deGrasse Tyson is simply the greatest spokesperson for space science and our greatest NASA advocate. This podcast is touching, cogent, controversial, and inspiring. Hear it out.

He is often compared to the late Carl Sagan, his mentor. He should be.

This is the New Stuff

Six products that sound like science fiction that I'll be keeping an eye on - including Machines that Fix Themselves: Six Ideas That Will Change the World (in Esquire, of all places). (More scientists).

Tainted Degrees, Tainted Jets, and Mysterious Debt

Here's another article about Oral Roberts University's troubles. What did I learn?
  1. Before the scandal, young adults were tricked into thinking that an ORU degree would not be "tainted," but NOW they're worried.
  2. The chairman of the ORU board of regents is the son-in-law of the absurd faith-healing con chump Kenneth Copeland. Mr. Copeland is famous for having a palatial estate/megachurch that includes its own airstrip for both his and his wife's private jets (they have one each, naturally) and the ministry's other planes. The family has a history of financial shadiness. From Wikipedia: The Copeland's financial records are not publicly available and a list of the Board of Directors is not available...
  3. ORU is more than $50 million in the hole. That's like almost 3 Cessna Citation Xs, right Kenneth?


It seems, perhaps, that no news is good news.

The distinct lack of news from Iraq and an apparently improving situation: 'Good News from Iraq' by our man Hitchens in Slate, It's true: Iraq is a quagmire (for Al-Qaida) is a really good piece. And it must be true that things are getting better because Newsweek and the NYT have chimed in.


NOVA's "Judgement Day" Online

You can watch it here. I thought it was excellently done. However, I was horrified that the WORST thing anybody in Dover could be called or be considered is an atheist. Haven't these people heard of Mormons?

And Bill Buckingham comes off as everything you would expect him to: a belligerently superstitious, ignorant, obdurate ex-junkie reprobate. He is a credit to his religion...


Clyde, this one's for you...

John Scalzi - writer, blogger, Hugo nominee for Old Man's War - went to one of you favorite places on Earth, and ripped it a new one : Your Creation Museum Report.

less government, lower taxes, and more freedom

Anymore, "That's just crazy talk."
I miss Dick Armey - Why I Think Hillary Will Win.
His leaving Congress may be the biggest reason spending has gone hog wild.

May Hit Too Close To Home

From Hitchens' introduction:
...owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are a god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are god. (Cats may sometimes share the cold entrails of a kill with you, but this is just what a god might do if he was [sic] in a good mood.)
We love you despite your solipsistic tendencies Mrs. Doyle! And no Horace, we are not gods.

And we respect and enjoy Mr. Hitchens' work despite his inability to get the subjunctive tense right in this case. Note to writer: fire your editor.

You're Not The Boss Of Tigerbot Hesh, Bitch

I had the great pleasure of going to an MC Chris concert tonight at the Zydeco. Unlike the first time I saw him, this time the crowd was all geeks who totally got it. The show was a lot of fun; go see him live if you can.

I haven't witnessed that much geek solidarity (and geek talent) since my first TMBG show back in the early 90s. It must be beheld to be believed.

Buy his CDs if you want to stay cool.

And give it up for the Tussin!


Arguing with a Latin Flair

A useful reference for all us argumentative troublemakers:
The Skeptics Guide to the Universe Presents our Top 20 Logical Fallacies
Site headed by a great Carl Sagan quote: "For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."

Chances of Living Forever: Just Went Up

and not in some goofy spiritual way:
Scientists Make Monkey Cloning Breakthrough.

It's Out!

The Portable Atheist is on the shelves. The introduction by Hitchens is here. I especially liked the end, regarding the replacement of the study of religious texts with a study of literature:
And who, really, will turn away from George Eliot and James Joyce and Joseph Conrad in order to rescrutinize the bare and narrow and constipated and fearful world of Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, and Osama bin Laden?

Ed. note: I just acquired my copy, and what is printed in USA Today is, as I suspected, just a part of Mr. Hitchens' introduction. In addition, it does contain--to my delight--a letter from H.P. Lovecraft, our patron saint of horror/scifi geekdom.


Could Horace have gout?


Canine Gout can appear as lesions and ulcerations and can also be linked to animal diabetes and kidney disease.

This is also similar to Human Gout in the fact that it can be genetically passed down in the breed.

This form of Gout appears in mainly large breeds of dogs such as : ... Labrador retrievers

Canine Gout appears mainly in the paws and toes, but can also appear in the elbows, the neck area and even on the tongue. It is most common on the hind feet.

Calcinosis Cutis, Calcium Circumscripta, or Canine Gout
by Fred Lanting

The subject ailment is an imbalance in mineral assimilation resulting in abnormal deposits, sometimes between bones, often in layers of the skin or integument. Calcium deposits in the skin can be the result of injury, of metabolic changes, or of unknown factors. Since mineralization (calcium deposits) in skin can occur in a wide variety of unrelated diseases, a common thread among them is not easy to establish. One form of the condition is related to, or could be an early indication of, a canine version of the disorder which in humans is called Cushing's Disease, although many dogs will never develop the distended abdomen, susceptibility to hematomas and bruising, or over-pigmented, sparsely-coated skin. Indeed, that may be a sufficiently different disorder that it should be classified as a separate variety of hyperadrenocorticism or hyperglucocorticoidism.

Journal of Veterinary Medicine Calcinosis Circumscripta in the Dog: A Retrospective Pathological Study


Calcinosis circumscripta is an uncommon syndrome of ectopic idiopathic, dystrophic, metastatic or iatrogenic mineralization characterized by deposition of calcium salts in soft tissues. This paper is a retrospective study of 77 canine cases. The age of dogs in the study varied from 4 months to 15 .... Several pure and mixed, typically large breed dogs were affected so that 28.6, 13 and 9% were German Shepherd, Rottweiler and Labrador Retriever respectively. The size of lesions varied from 2 mm to 13 cm in diameter but most lesions were between 0.5 cm and 3 cm in diameter. Lesions were solitary in 82% of the affected dogs, and occurred most commonly on the hind feet (50%) and tongue (23%). With multiple lesions there was no apparent body symmetry.

Bill O'Reilly Is An Odious Bigot

You got it, Keith.


Planet of the Apes Toy Commercials

#3 may be the best toy commercial evar.

See What Tax Exempt Gets You

It's About Time

The Senate, led by Republican Charles Grassley, is investigating several televangelists.
Because they have tax status as churches, the ministries do not have to file IRS 990 forms like other non-profit organizations - leaving much financial information largely behind closed doors.
You mean like how they all have private jets, palatial estates, and expensive cars: and those are all paid for by the "ministry," and do not come out of salary? I'm sure that most of these organizations do follow the letter of the law, but the government should demand that ANYONE who is tax exempt be totally transparent with their finances. These hucksters are fattening up in a loop-hole.


They made me watch this

Review at Brains on Film
at IMDb

We Weren't Supposed To Even Show Up

My Alabama got beat by LSU. They won, we lost. But not easily, and not next time.

If we're this good with what we have now, fear us next season. And may all your gods help you in 2011: superstitious supplications may be your only hope.

I didn't even expect us to be ranked this year, let alone beat Arkansas and Tennessee. The Iron Bowl will be a Pepto-chugger, but it's ours to lose.

At least we didn't play sloppy punk football like our adversaries. How does a team with that many penalties win? Note to LSU: you won't win the national championship. All your dreams are dead...