
I wish he would move to a Huntsville station so we could watch him again


'From the “global warming insanity department”….

By Meteorologist James Spann

I see that NASA has issued a release that they are forecasting daily
highs in July and August between 100 and 110 degrees in the summer of
2080 for cities such as Chicago, Washington, and Atlanta. This is
based on a “widely-used weather prediction model coupled to a global
model developed by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.” The
press release also says they “analyzed nearly 30 years of
observational temperature and precipitation data” for use in the

Anyone have any problems with this other than me?

First off, the best global forecast models we have in operation now
struggle with weather beyond five days. Sometimes, their 24 hour
output is laughable. How in the world are these people issuing a
forecast for weather more than 70 years from now using model output?'

Read it all at ClimateBrains.com.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah, well I remember when I was a kid and James Spann predicted a slightly cold winter forecast for the next few days. The next day: it snowed, heavily. In Alabama. His forecast made national news, but not in a good way.

    We in Birmingham consider his forecasts up there with reading tea leaves and interpreting chicken entrails. His scientific acumen is hardly convincing in any case.

    Climate models are flawed, but his failure to accurately predict the weather for the next five days (or his dependence on others to do it for him...AHEM) doesn't help shed any light on WHY they are flawed. He's comparing apples and oranges, and just because his apples are rotten doesn't help us understand the rot of the oranges.

    [Note: computer issues made this original post unreadable; thus it was deleted. All better now]

  3. *snicker* Don't worry, Clyde, I don't rely on Mr. Spann's skills (or lack thereof) to frame the debate on the science of warming for me. I do, however, miss his breathless & interminable, yet strangely compelling, severe weather broadcasts. His seemingly exact knowledge of the byways of his viewing area cause GateTree & me to joke that he can track a tornado's path "through Granny Smith's goat pasture and into the abandoned mill by 'Old Man Kelsey's crick'". THAT, my friend, is viewing gold.

  4. James Spann is god and you're all going to hell.
