
I love the internet

I'm making out my exam. I, of course, go off on tangents while fact checking and read about people & events that I'm interested in. That's what we do. I've always wondered about John C. Breckenridge. He was VP under Buchanan and the Southern Democrat who lost to Lincoln in 1860. I always kinda wondered why he was never considered for Confederate leadership, since he had been right there in D.C. I knew that he became a Confederate General and was at Shiloh. Well he was from Kentucky, which is why he was probably not considered for civilian leadership, and he was only 35! when elected VP. He was heavily involved in the fighting, and actually did become CSA Sec. of War in early 1865. He tried to bring an end to the thing and of note he made sure the Confederate archives in Richmond were captured intact by Union troops. He fled the country to avoid treason charges and then came back after being pardoned and was critical of the Klan. Okay, run-of-the-mill history geek stuff. Then it gets fun. I learned that his grandson was an actor, none other than John C. 'Bunny' Breckenridge, who played the Ruler in Plan 9 from Outer Space for his friend and fellow cross-dresser Ed Wood. Of course, Bunny was played by one of my all-time favorite actors, Bill Murray, in Ed Wood. I love the internet and wikipedia rules. Back to the test-making salt mine.


  1. Breckenridge was the second generation leader of the anti-Clays in KY.

  2. "Let's hear you call Boris Karloff a cocksucker."
