
I'll Bet It Kept Them Up At Night

An Arkansas father is suing the city of Bentonvill, AK because his 14- and 16-year-old sons went to the library and found a book on lesbian sex. He's demanding $10,000/teener because of the trauma The Whole Lesbian Sex Book caused. To quote the father, "[We had] many sleepless nights in our house." Yeah I bet.

Can two teenage boys really use up ten-thousand dollars worth of lotion and Kleenex each? And how did the sons "find" this book whilst looking for "material on military academies" anyway?

Once again, it's not the parents' faults for not minding their spawn or for not raising them to know not to read books that clash with their family's values. And it's not the teenagers' faults for being teenagers. It's the library's fault for having books on things that the parents don't like. Next it'll be Barnes and Noble's fault for having books on atheism. Someone call Tipper Gore!


  1. Frivolous. I think the lawyer involved should be disbarred. Rule number one reinforced - People are stupid.

  2. Here we go again, shades of Frankenchrist. Can't people: 1. supervise their children properly; 2. remain calm when hormone-addled teenage boys behave like hormone-addled teenage boys; 3. EXPECT a PUBLIC library to have books intended for adults?
