
Call Up The Bunde! We Need A Bonfire!

Republics are meant to not please everybody, but to accommodate everybody peacefully. Apparently, Birmingham's public school systems aren't teaching that. And the offended are not amused by reason. What is the reasonable justification for this book's being present on a public library's shelves?
"It's a cautionary tale for teenagers that oral sex is sex," Smith told The Tuscaloosa News. "You serve a wide range of people in a library, and you have to have something for all of them."
You want a place where your particular beliefs are not offended publicly, try a religious dictatorship. Last time I checked, the world has them in spades. Otherwise, live with it. All of us atheists live with constant threats of eternal, immortal, unfathomable torture; and we endure multiple fallacious and erroneous charges that our position is not scientific, offers no hope, has been completely rebutted by Christianity's apologetics, and results in evil. You think that's less offensive than your kid learning that blow jobs are a sexual act? Up yours! You don't see atheists asking that the bible be taken off the shelves of libraries for condoning slavery, misogyny, and genocide.

When will these people grow up? Haven't they become the same tyrannical absurdities of the 90's left who wanted Huckleberry Finn banned because it used the word "nigger?" Jesus take the wheel if the kid checks out this book.


  1. Wow, a 15 year-old, busy-body prude. Only the Bible Belt could produce harridans like Lysa Harding and her grandmother.

  2. I'll have to tease Lewis

  3. My friend & radio partner went to Brookwood, in northeastern Tuscaloosa County. I'll have to pick on him.
