
A Vacation?

Update: And today, Wed., I killed a snake in the turtle corral.
This is what I've been doing during the last week or so of my vacation:
- Fighting our lawn mower (replaced fuel pump to avoid FIRE and still have to get more of the plastic bags off of the blades to avoid FIRE). It runs like a dream, but still have to take off the blades & clean/sharpen. More on this later.
- Drove to Tuscaloosa on Saturday to see Bromide (had a fine time).
- Took Horace to the vet (he's okay, swollen foot, possibly a sting) and I got nipped a couple of times, because we all know how much he likes being made to do things. The vet said he was a big wuss...
- Cleaning much of the junk off of the carport to be hauled away by the local govt. It looked like a cheap furniture tractor trailer had lost it's load in front of GateTree Manor for a couple of days.
- Getting offered and ultimately turning down the "soccer sponsor" job at school.
- Reading this odd book - Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town, while Tobermory reads this freaky one - House of Leaves.
- Playing this stupid game - Travian.
- Playing this stupid game - NCAA Football 2008.
- Waiting for Tobermory's new computer to arrive.


  1. So is the new car in the carport?

  2. It will be very soon.

  3. What's the latest on the mower?

  4. It's running fine, in fact I used it to haul stuff to the road, but I've been so busy with the carport that I haven't made time to get to the blades. Tomorrow or this afternoon, I think. The grass is looong.

  5. And yes, the new car is on the carport - woot!
