
Good info on that former NFL quarterback

Details of plea agreement will impact NFL future - ESPN.


  1. Such grotesques carry out these medieval spectacles daily across our country. They are the modern equivalent of primitive sailors bludgeoning dodos, or "enlightened" Europeans wantonly killing the great beasts of Africa and Australia "for sport."

    How sad is it that a black man delights in the gambling of a spectacle that, 1800 years ago, would have included himself?

    When one denies evolutionary theory, and dismisses the wonderful explanations of science, what else can one expect? Where in the 10 rules of the three great religions does it say, "Thou shalt have compassion for thy neighbors and thy neighbors' mammals." NO-WHERE! This is puerile anti-science amorality at it's finest.

    Good show, douche-nozzle.

  2. oops, "its finest." I hate that mistake.

  3. Truly perfect justice would have him in a pit with very angry dogs with very large teeth.
