
Will Their Prefix Be 666?

Indonesians are considering putting microchips in HIV-infected people to "monitor" them. No word yet as to whether they plan to do something effectual to stop the infection's spread, such as sloughing off irrelevant pre-medieval taboos and educating their populace. Christ in a condom, they'll use the science of the microchip towards unknown, unproven, and--likely--unethical ends before they'll use the confirmed findings of modern epidemiology? And why? Ancient strictures concerning the vagina and anus? What religious tome proscribes latex again?

Remind me to slap anyone who asks me to appease religious moderates, as this is modern religious moderation at its greatest.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. You don't think it has anything to do with the fact Indonesia is 86.1% Muslim, do you?
