
Edited For "Perverse Sex" and "Cannibalism"

Dario is being forced to edit The Third Mother for the content listed in the post's title. If Italy's film industry can make him do it, they should make the Catholic Church do it; one is hard-pressed to find depictions more perverse and gory than the religious art of that cannibalistic zombie death cult. Since its inception the church has limned perverse demon sex and deity cannibalism. Do Italians ever go to their own cathedrals and art galleries?

Good news is that it will all be put back in for the DVD. And let's face it, that's probably the only way we're going to end up getting to see it anyway. Click on the pic to see an Italian teaser trailer.


  1. Is this Dario's return to his true giallo style? I hope so after the disappointingly pedestrian "The Card Player". Thank Capitoline Jupiter for DVD's.

  2. Ah Dario. Nothing like a return to the lurid red of Dario blood.
