
Creepy Fundie Mormon Indicted, Praise The Saints!

Warren Jeffs, leader of the Fundamentalist Mormon sect that totally controls Colorado City, AZ, is indicted for sex with minors and incest. Warren, for those who haven't read Under the Banner of Heaven, took over after the immortal Uncle Rulon--Warren's father shown here with two of his "spiritual" wives--fell inexplicably mortal (Uncle Rulon had taken over after another immortal Uncle defied his own prophesy and went ambient). Warren has been on the run much of the time ever since, and was alleged to be building Federali-proof compounds.

I don't give a damn about polygamy. Knock yourself out. But it should be between consenting adults. This guy, like so many Fundie Saints, married girls in their early teens, arrangements that those girls' sick fathers happily endorsed and even sought out. These polygamists then list their "spiritual" wives' and their children as jobless single mothers and milk the government for welfare. Don't expect any local or state investigations though; the FLDS' control of Colorado City is frightening in its totality. It's the stinky bathroom of the American West: you do not want to go in there.


  1. I draw the line at seriously underage girls...and violent defiance of federal law.

  2. Lock 'em up & throw away the key. Their religion is nothing but a cover for nasty old men to have a harem of young virgins. Ugh. (Glad you enjoyed the book, Clyde.)
