
One for Clyde

At the last public display of what remains of G.od's O.wn P.arty some mammal named Sam Brownback joined two other mouthbreathers in indicating they did not believe in evolution. The NYT then gave this homo erectus a few inches to further hang himself. Over at The Edge, a place we should all frequent, Jerry Coyne, a professor in the department of ecology and evolution at the University of Chicago, filets him in a response - Don't Know Much About Biology.

1 comment:

  1. Not surprisingly, the comments by Sen. Brownback have been the subject of much ridicule on the science blogs. Coyne's response is brilliant, as have been others.

    The new ID tactic is to say that one accepts evolution, but not DARWINIAN evolution. Well guess what, scientists don't accept the latter either. Theories change with new evidence, and we know a lot more now. It's a silly straw man argument, where they try to separate changes within species from speciation. It's an easy argument to counter, but too few in the media are doing it. They just go, "oh, ok, I don't know anything about this subject, but as long as you don't believe in creationism, I'll let it slide." But the do believe in creationism, and this is just a cleverly "designed" facade to cover their belief in Majic Jesus's 6-day zippidy-zappady-doo-fest.
