
Embrace The Inconvenience

Michael Behe, the biochemist who started the whole Intelligent Design thing with his book Darwin's Black Box, has a new book out. In it, he uses mathematical models to show how "Darwinism" can't produce certain biomolecular binding sites.

Several early reviews trash his mathematics and poorly reasoned premises, as to be expected. But this argument threw me for a loop: the "designer," who/whatever that is, specifically made malaria. Yeah. The argument atheists have been throwing up for decades, he embraces.

How do you worship such a beast? Creators of biogenic plagues are not looked kindly upon by modern history; deliberate spreaders of them are the villains of much science fiction. Behe's argument is not only logically vapid, it reaches a conclusion that is totally anti-theistic.

Brilliant! Good show, old man!

1 comment:

  1. I must respectfully disagree with you, M. Squid, on one point: Behe is revealing his true faith, & conceding to atheist arguments. Implicit in the question "why would God create _____" (fill in the blank with something horrible) is the true Christian answer: "PUNISHMENT FOR SIN". Behe's world view, along with so many of his superstitious brethren, is a nasty, anti-human one. In his mania to "prove" a designer, Behe expresses his true faith
