
A busy week

Sorry I've been lax about our blog. Here's a sample of my activities for the past week:

  • Read the entire His Dark Materials trilogy. Tip o' the hat to C. Squid for that one; it is superb.
  • Got sucked into the world of Wacky Packages. I adored these stickers as a child- I found a few still stuck to an old camp table here.
  • Thisbe found an addition to our turtle corral. As Thisbe discovered it (under the GateTree, no less), I dubbed it Pyramus. That makes 6. Picture soon to follow.

Wacky Packages for GateTree, Bromide 1701, & Clyde Squid.

1 comment:

  1. I lived in the age of the Garbage Pail Kids. Looking back at them on the web, I can't for the life of me figure out why...
