
Where's the Crown of Twizzlers?

Someone in New York decided to be funny and made a life-size sculpture of Jesus on the cross--in chocolate. The Catholic League calls it "one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever."

Really? Worse than the Inquisition? Worse than the Catholic Church's embarrassing Nazi past? Worse than Benny Hinn's hair?

For those of you confused, the bible "records" Jesus as stating that his followers will be persecuted. Normal, thinking people aren't impressed by this: he was a rogue religious cultist, one of many claiming to be the savior of the Jews, and Rome did not smile upon rebellious cult leaders or their followers. Instead, they typically crucified them. Sound familiar?

But, modern Christers, living in the richest and most religiously permissive country ever AND making up over 70% of the population of said country, have to come up with some "persecution" to convince themselves that they are good Christers (and convince followers to send money of "support" for those poor persecuted preachers). Thus, prohibiting public school administrators from authoritatively subjecting students to any form of prayer, for reasons any rational person can understand, becomes a campaign by evil secularists to take their gods out of schools. And thus, someone making fun of pagan chocolate Ishtar bunnies becomes an "assault" on Christer sensibilities.

No word yet on if James Dobson is offended, but we know that Fred Thompson couldn't be.

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