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300 is superb. VDH explains it better than I ever could.

Victor Davis Hanson @ City Journal:
With Your Shield or On It
Zack Snyder’s 300: a spirited take on a clash of civilizations

From Works and Days, Victor Davis Hanson @ Pajamas Media:
The “300”
(To read it all scroll down to Last Night at the 300)

I haven’t written a formal review of the “300”, since I was asked to write an introduction to the book accompanying the movie, and wouldn’t be a disinterested critic. Below are the reactions I had after seeing the premier Monday night in Hollywood, posted in NRO’s corner.

I took my son and daughter to the showing. They had a great time, especially talking to Frank Miller....


  1. Me and the guy I'm boinking are going tomorrow night. I can't wait!

  2. The ending is better in the '60's version. Still, a fine movie (if you've seen Sin City first).
