

If this article stating that eating devil soy makes you queer were true, all of Asia would be gay. Last time I checked, populations there were not declining.

You gotta love Jim's wanton blind assertions, appeals to anonymous studies, and false cause fallacies (false correlations). But what would you expect from the chairman and founder-chairman(?) of Megashift Ministries?! Of course, going to a preacher for nutritional advice would be like going to the dentist to do your taxes.

Note to Jim: you might want to lay off the soy yourself, sac wrangler. Your ministry's logo, with its rainbow rings and all-male 3-way flaming phoenix feather, looks like the logo for the Gayer Olympics.

That being said, eating tons of soy could well be very bad for you. Last time I did, I almost died of methane self-poisoning. And the guys at the check-out line at health food stores do offer some corroborating evidence...


  1. *snicker* I was wondering about all the poncey samurai in Kurosawa films.

    Who passes out diplomas to these people? Do they just get "called" by the Lord & become experts? If so, our Saki has a paper on feline prepubic urethrostomy he'd like published.

  2. Methane self-poisoning...so that's what I should call it.
