

Looks like a focus on abstinence is really working, as is all of the evangelical Christer rantings and ravings about "saving yourself."

I want to know how all the Christers explain this statistic? Even if it's the liberal secular humanist media polluting our kids' minds, the demon-infested popular culture waging war on the Christian church, and the anti-family libertines and homos attacking the institution of marriage and violating our preachers' anal sphincters, who's really at fault? Christers more than make up 5% of the population, so someone's singing on Sunday and moaning on Saturday. Depending on whether they're appealing to popularity or appealing to persecution (both have their uses in propaganda), Christers maintain that they make up 85% or 30% of the US population.

This statistic, combined with the higher divorce rate of Christers over atheists, just shows that their religion is not about self-improvement, love, or results. Instead, it's about beating other people over the head with stupid rules they won't even follow. No wonder Christers hate homos so much: the gays are the only ones having more premarital sex than they are.

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