
A "Wretched" Critique

I caught some of "Wretched" radio today. During it, they replayed some of the Hitchens interview I posted earlier.

They seemed to think that Hitchens avoided their questions and was "snarky." Of course he did answer all of their questions; they just didn't like the answers. And Todd Friel calling someone snarky is foie-gras rich.

But here's the kicker: Todd admitted that his strategy for this interview was to ignore Hitchens' responses and "go right for the conscience." So he criticizes Hitchens for allegedly not answering the questions, answers that were going to be ignored regardless. So Hitchens was the "snarky" one?

The goal of this tactic is to make a person feel guilty and "wretched," so that they understand that they need Jesus to save them from their iniquities. It's transparently stupid, easily refutable, and as theologically debase as it is intellectually vapid. No thoughtful atheist is going to be impressed by, let alone "saved" by, such drivel. It's like asking Todd if he's afraid of the sticky wrath of the great species of Ju Ju Bees on Planet Good'N'Plenty for not thanking them daily at exactly 4:27 EST for providing the human race with all sugar products. Why should he be?

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