
The Gays Start Winning

It was a good day for the gays.
  • Iowa's Supreme Court unanimously ruled that banning gay marriage was unconstitutional; overturning it would take years and the will of the legislature, whose heads praised the decision and stated that they would not start a constitutional amendment procedure.
  • Vermont's legislature passed a gay marriage bill just 5 votes shy of being veto-proof (the Republican fart-faced governor has said that he would veto it).
  • Washington moved closer to passing a "civil unions = marriage" bill.
California, like all states with ballot initiatives, doesn't need to focus on gay marriage. They need to focus on getting rid of ballot initiatives. They are populist and barbaric at best, and they are demonstrably anti-republican and anti-minority.

In the meantime, I guess I need to plan a vacation to Des Moines. I'm all about supporting the economies of pro-gay states.

1 comment:

  1. Umm, hey d-bag, I live in arguably the most pro-gay state in the union. And Boston is, I assume, far more interesting than Des Moines. I know you've been here before and all, but c'mon!
