
Note To Republicans: Tea Bagging Is Naughty

I hope they don't decide to have a Million Satchmo March next.

And I have one question for these tea baggers: where the hell have you been for the past 8 years? It's as if a bunch of dopey rich Republican machine types decided to rile some clueless Christers to hold protests promoting fiscal responsibility now that said dopey rich Republicans' spend-crazy fetus lover is out of the White House and they don't control the earmarks and pork in Congress anymore.



  1. As I predicted people, who should have been against runaawy spending and encroaching government all along are remembering what they are supposed to be about when their guy is out. I'm not going to be against people who want less spending and a balanced budget. It would be nice if we could separate out the christers, however.

  2. The gays have been putting on tax protests for years, stating that "lesser" citizens should get to pay less. I'm all for it. But those tea-bagging people weren't enlightened republicans and libertarians. They were the dregs of the GOP; and it looks like they were protesting the brownness in the White House as much as they were protesting having to spend part of their well-earned paychecks from the gas station on bail-outs.
