
Our Journalists Suck

I just heard an interview with Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security (gag), by the BBC. Were that our journalists so cogent and inquisitorial. The interview succeeded in making the administration he works for look like the disgusting authoritarians they are without his realizing it.

And try not to vomit when you read this and this.

I'm officially voting for a Democrat. For the second time. That makes me sad, but I'd rather the Supreme Court be filled by semi-lunatic fascists than by full-out ones. And at this point, my usual Libertarian protest vote just seems empty.

I WANT Republicans to lose, big-time. Because when they do, they become real Republicans. And because I really think that Hillary or Obama will be more fiscally responsible and more pro civil liberties than John McCain. Really. How fucking sad is that?


  1. Umm. You just said out loud what we've all been thinking. How sad is it that we've come to this. The Democrats are more likely to be fiscally responsible and protect civil liberties. Is this bizarro world?

  2. Yep. At least Obama SAID he would review Bush's executive orders and get rid of the unconstitutional ones. At this point even lip service at is refreshing. I voted for Obama in the primary and I hope he is on the ballot in November. He at least seems to think that he should look like he's listening to the public.
