
Okay, count me in on this crazy "energy independence" thing

Achieving energy independence

There is no doubt that our resistance to the global jihad is severely hampered by our continued purchase of oil from the Saudis, who have done so much to finance the same jihad. And now six and a half years after 9/11, the President of the United States cannot cajole the Saudi King into agreeing to lower oil prices, as gasoline approaches the four-dollar-a-gallon mark, and yet he has done nothing to initiate any coherent plan to free us from this energy dependence.

It doesn't have to be this way. The Alaskan oil reserves could have been opened up years ago, over environmentalist objections, as a matter of national security. The U.S. could have pursued other oil options much more aggressively than it did, while undertaking a full-scale Manhattan Project to find viable new energy sources. And now in Energy Victory: Winning the War On Terror By Breaking Free of Oil, Robert Zubrin outlines what we can and should do now to keep from continuing to pay at the gas pump for our own destruction.

Zubrin, who holds a doctorate in nuclear engineering and was for many years a senior engineer at Lockheed Martin, here outlines a clear and practical program for achieving American energy independence within ten years. He explains in detail that even a non-specialist like me can understand (at least partially!) that a rapid transition to high-alcohol fuels -- methanol and ethanol -- is both practically feasible and desirable.
Read it all at Jihad Watch.

(In case you don't recognize the name, Robert Zubrin is a founder of a society I joined.)


  1. Come on in, the water's fine (and doesn't mix with oil).

  2. I've called it an "Apollo" project since 9/11, but the ideas are the same. Think about all the resources we put into landing a man on the moon to display our technological superiority over the vodka-chuggers. I love the science stuff and all, but that's why we did it.

    Now we don't need a scarecrow to defeat; we have real needs in this country here and now that affect our foreign policy and our defense spending.

    Time to open up the bid to the first companies that can make us oil-independent in 10 years. But what President and Congress is going to authorize nuke plants, hydrogen fields, and space-based solar collectors?

    Ok, let's just take nuke plants...we need at least a hundred more. Now!!! Who has the balls to propose it?

    I do, and I'm a francophilic fag...

    More nuke power, some nuke weapons, no towel-head negotiations. Let them fight their filthy religious battles all the want...We don't want them anymore, so we shouldn't need them anymore.
