

Looks like CNN can write a whole piece on the current French riots without saying anything of value. Nowhere in the article are the two most obvious questions addressed in a journalistic manner:
  1. Who's rioting?
  2. Why?
However, if you're clever enough to notice a certain phrase repeated twice, like the clumsy obfuscations of a bad liar, you can figure it out.

"sons of African immigrants," "two men of North African descent"

Just say it CNN, for fucks sake! It's Muslim immigrants, and they are rioting against the police because they don't recognize French authoritah, especially the police.

I smell the piss-soaked pants of infotainers. Can someone find me a journalist?


  1. Spot on, Clyde, but at least they don't call them "Asian youths" like the BBC do.

  2. I think Sarko's going to deport 'em all.
