
49th By The Grace Of...

I always say that Alabama's state motto is "49th by the grace of Mississippi." But now, we're 48th by the grace of Arizona. Seriously, this law is so sick that--should all the world be turned into a radioactive waste heap save Arizona--I will die of fire and cancer and starvation before I go there.

I'm sure police in Arizona don't have anything better to do than randomly search brown people for evidence of citizenship.

"Papers please, and sieg heil y'all!" What a bunch of fascist ass hats.


  1. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/24/us/politics/24immig.html

    Clearly they have serious problems stemming from illegal immigration, but eliminating probable cause for the police to harass Hispanics is not the answer. It probably won't stand up in federal court.
