
I [Heart] Rachel Maddow

This week on the Rachel Maddow Show is Geek Week, and all of the segments to date have been glorious. But this one takes the taco, her investigation of the USS Iowa Jima's embarking and landing procedures.

Here's why I love this:

Watch any news special or other documentary about Navy ships, and it's some guy spouting Navy-approved statistics and facts whilst standing in front of action or service members. Rachel actually goes on with a question (how the hell do you do this?) and finds out. My only complaint is the filler of the same Seahawk landing. But overall, you get a great understanding of just how complicated and not chaotic a seemingly uncomplicated yet chaotic-looking process really is. And from a geek who has the intelligence to understand how little she knows but the curiosity to try and find out.

In this role, Rachel Maddow performs a better service than the typical sycophantic, overenthusiastic bores spouting Pentagon-speak before staged action shots. Yeah, I'm talking about you Mack.

But those glasses Rachel...

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