
You don't say...

A report from The Program on Public Values at Trinity College in Hartford, Conn., surveyed 54,461 adult and discovered: More Americans Say They Have No Religion.


  1. I was going to post this study, but you beat me to it.

    I listened to an evangelical radio show this afternoon, and they went through this study too. They're response: preach more bible! Poor preaching, the current economic crisis, and a lack of "soul" introspection is--to them--the reason for this decline in American gods-belief.

    I disagree; I maintain that more people are aware that gods haven't done anything, don't do anything, and are--therefore--a worthless hypothesis and an untenable theory. In short, some people have recognized that they don't need gods.

    But I do agree with evangelicals on this point: let's encourage more people to read their bible. Read it, cover to cover. Just like one should any mythological text that has influenced societies. Read it and compare its claims to those they discard from current and past religions. Or to the theories that science has provided us.

    Read it, because doing so will change any real-thinking believer into a doubter. And a doubter is someone we can work on...

  2. their response...I hate this Google grammar correcting thing
