
The Republican Party Is Dead, And Rush Is Eating Its Carcass

Newt Gingrich has proposed that the state give money to teenagers not to get pregnant.

In other news, the Democratic president has proposed reforms that would curtail earmarks, a wise (conservative?) fiscal policy that Republicans just didn't get around to during the last 8 years.

And constitution-humping drug-addled gasbag Rush Limbaugh thinks that the "inalienable" rights of "life," "liberty," "freedom (?)," and "the pursuit of happiness" granted by our "creator" is written in the preamble of the constitution! Funny that he constantly pushes that foreign citizens don't necessarily have rights, and can therefore be detained and tortured, but somehow can say "inalienable" without choking on it. Then again, many of us believe that Rush lost his gag reflex in the 80's...

Colbert addresses Rush with his usual absurd/acerbic wit:

1 comment:

  1. Have not listened to him since I heard him say that atheists are devoid of morals.
