
Note To Republicans: Folksy = Dummy

Fox News reports that Sarah Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent, not a country. And the decision-making process behind her choice as VP running mate was actually worse than any of us imagined.

Today I briefly heard that drug-addled gasbag Rush Limbaugh defending Palin. If any evidence is needed that the autocratic Christian nationalists just don't get it, that's it. "Fire-brand conservative" who inspires people is NOT what educated, fiscal conservatives and libertarians (or most of America) saw in her. Instead, we saw an ignorant, insular, superstitious, anti-intellectual, pro-government interventionist, anti-civil liberties, hypocritical, frozen yokel cunt.

We'll have Democrats in control until Republicans figure that out.

By the way, what's the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and vagina?

Answer: only one of the things that came out of her vagina was retarded.

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