
Yes, they've even got the computers now

One step closer to the ZApoc

Zombie computer

A zombie computer (often abbreviated zombie) is a computer attached to the Internet that has been compromised by a Hacker, a computer virus, or a trojan horse. Generally, a compromised machine is only one of many in a "botnet", and will be used to perform malicious tasks of one sort or another under remote direction. Most owners of zombie computers are unaware that their system is being used in this way. Because the vector tends to be unconscious, these computers are metaphorically compared to a zombie.


  1. All hail our computer zombie overlords! Make me a part of a super-intelligent collective so we can eat unused brains of dum dums and take over the Gamma Quadrant!

  2. Yay!! No more dum dums (the people, not those little lollipops they always seem to have @ banks).
