
The Terminator Can't Terminate Equality

California's judicial system has ruled for gay marriage.

Expect the rapacious religious conservatives to use this ruling to argue for a constitutional anti-gay marriage amendment. Notice how they will say they're trying to protect marriage whilst refusing to add any language preventing heterosexual couples from marrying or divorcing at whim. Their slip will show...

Such efforts should only illustrate how Republicans aren't really for a republic. Not that such hypocrisy matters to their base. But their base is, increasingly, less interested in the "debase" homos and more interested in their job security.

I really don't think the swing states care about the gays anymore. After all, they have their jobs to consider, and their kids are--on the whole--scrambling to be accepted by their gay friends (thanks to MTV).

Still, I would prefer a popular ruling over a judicial one. Here's hoping that happens, and soon.

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