
Oh, so THAT'S why you separate church and state...

Lonnie Latham is another odious christer preacher who railed against homos...until he was caught soliciting sex from an undercover cop of, shall we say, a male persuasion. Anti-gay bigot preachers actually being homos is standard news now, but this isn't.

It turns out that Latham's lawyers are actually arguing that Lawrence vs. Texas, the Supreme Court ruling that overturned sodomy laws, also protects him from being arrested for asking a policeman to go to his hotel room for oral sex. Now I don't think he did anything legally wrong here, but he would have if his Southern Baptists had their christer theocracy in place. And the SoB's railed against that Supreme Court decision. It's just too rich!!!

Oh, and the ACLU filed a brief for Lonnie's side. The "Anti-Christian Liberal Union" as they call it. Ha! You just can't make this shit up...

1 comment:

  1. Yep, ignoramuses like Mr. Latham preach against the "godless" protections of our Constitution and our laws- until THEY need them. It is as once hilarious and disgusting.

    If this devil may cite scripture for my own purposes: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”- Ecclesiastes 1:9
