
The Dignity Of Reason

"Well, I'm dying, since you asked," Hitchens replied. "So are you, but I'm doing it faster and in more rich and fecund detail."

Christopher Hitchens, on his battle with cancer. I recommend the whole article: Hitchens--even in his poisoned, withered state--is as sharp as always.

A dignified death is hard to come by, but we must all strive for it. My sci-fi hero did:

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry I missed him in B'ham. When I first became aware of him in the '80s, I could not stand to see his face much less listen to him. Now I will sorely miss him when he's dead. There is not, & probably never will be, another person I can say that about.

    (Spock's death scene marks the last time I cried in a movie theater. I even tear up when I watch it now.)
