
It was only a matter of time


  1. I have the first omnibus of the comic, but it's so relentlessly grim that I can only read relatively small chunks at a time. Excellent story telling overall, and some of the most disturbing images I've ever seen printed on the pages of a comic book (and I've read a lot of comic books). But seriously, nothing good ever happens to any character, ever. So depressing. I'm really wondering if they'll have to lighten this up for TV.

  2. EJP is right: the "comic" is horror and tragedy and sickness.

    If AMC does it right, it will be like Dead Wood. Nothing good prevails, but it's fun watching it not happen. Granted, you feel sick at your stomach watching great characters do great things only to have them fall to horror.

    But no god, or no zombie mass, ever promised you that being good would work out...
