
"You Are Gay" Is Not Horrible

A great ruling in a civil suit: being accused of homosexuality is not a bad thing.

To all of my straight friends: when someone calls you gay as an insult, shrug it off. For the love of the risen Osiris, don't get mad about it. And don't get all worked up for my sake if someone uses "gay" to describe something that is lame and fruity. I think we can all agree that "gay" has many meanings, and that someone who says that "Dancing with the Stars" is "gay" doesn't imply that being a homosexual is evil.

That horrible show is gay. Times a billion. And I never watch it. Because it's gay.

All that aside, using "gay" as an insult implying that LGBT people are somehow horrible people should be discouraged and confronted. That's when you say "Hell, I wish I were gay. That way, I could just blow you through the glory holes you visit and not have to see your ugly face, like now."

To summarize: don't be gay about being called gay because that makes you gay in a gay way.

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