
Superstitious Idiot Makes Appeal For That Which He Works Against

Pope Panzerkraut The First asked his god for a new year of peace. As they all have asked...even as Jews were slaughtered, gypsies murdered, thinkers and libertines tortured and executed, and infidels persecuted and exiled...on the Church's instructions and with its blessings. That's some wish.

And a septuagenarian virgin in a very expensive dress; a mountebank who calls for extreme giving whilst advocating austere living as a virtue: an ornery self-indulgent mystic who allegedly has a direct line with the entire universe's creator, he has the (unused) balls to say on this day--a day actually like any other--during which thousands die of preventable disease, religious wars, and ignorance-induced famine and pestilence:

"If people look only to their own interests, our world will certainly fall apart."

"This is the best I can do. I learned it as a child."

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