
No On Prop 8

Superstitious twats are winning the money war on the fight to keep gay marriage legal in California (their own legislature voted to legalize gay marriage, Governor Terminator vetoed it, their supreme court ruled that discrimination is unconstitutional). The main culprits are Mormons, who are flooding the state with money to run deceitful ads saying that gays getting married is--somehow--dangerous, anti-marriage, and anti-equality. This from a religion that, just around 3 decades ago, discriminated against non-white races. But you can't expect rational responses from magically thinking dopes.

I have given money to the cause of keeping gay marriage legal in California. Fight the Mormons: give some too. Even $10 will help.

California can't lose this right: doing so will set us gays back a decade. And you don't want to see me in those clothes (what was I thinking?).


  1. 538.com says it's a toss-up.

  2. I know. In California of all places. Disgusting...

  3. I hear Apple gave $100,000 to help the "no" vote. Good, now if they'd just come out with a sub-$1,000 Macbook.......
