
Conservative Defence Of Christopher Buckley's Endorsement Of Barack Obama

From Kathleen Parker of National Review Online:
The truth few wish to utter is that the GOP has abandoned many conservatives, who mostly nurse their angst in private. Those chickens we keep hearing about have indeed come home to roost. Years of pandering to the extreme wing — the “kooks” the senior Buckley tried to separate from the right — have created a party no longer attentive to its principles.
Few wish to utter? In private? Libertarians have been saying this shit for 8 long years. What kind of "personal responsibility" party proposes buying people's houses or thinks that war debts magically ("Lord make a way!") go away? What kind of "reduce government spending" party holds Congress for a decade and only succeeds in increasing spending at a rate that would make a true socialist blush? What kind of "get the government out of our lives" party wants more government intervention on adoption, abortion, local school systems, gays, need I go on? What kind of "let local charities do their work" party delves out billions to churches while cutting needed spending in science? What kind of "holding government accountable" party lets Iraq go as it did, lets the "drug war" go as it has, lets Washington-subsidized Wall Street go as it did, lets new military weaponry come out over budget and far beneath expectations, need I go on? Hence:
Republicans are not short on brainpower — or pride — but they have strayed off course. They do not, in fact, deserve to win this time, and someone had to remind them why.

Christopher Buckley, ever the swashbuckling heir to his father’s defiant spirit, walked the plank so that the sinking mother ship might right itself.

No doubt his seafaring father is cheering from heaven: “Ahoy there, Christo! Well done, my son.”
I don't feel so guilty now. I guess I'm just not a "real" American: I value my rights and opportunities more than flags and Jesus.

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