
Whither goest Britain...?

How sad (and scary) is it to see one of the greatest bastions of human freedom have its own ideas taken and warped into a vehicle of self-immolation. I hope Dominic Grieve is not just a voice in the wilderness.

Planet Equality and the eclipse of nation
Melanie Phillips

On the eve of the Tory Party conference, the shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve issued a blunt warning.

In the name of multiculturalism, he said, Britain had done something terrible to itself. It had downplayed British cultural identity, leaving long-standing inhabitants fearful and new immigrants alienated, creating a vacuum ripe for exploitation by extremists.

His warning could not be more timely or appropriate. Multiculturalism and its allied doctrines of human rights and anti-discrimination are acting as a kind of corrosive acid eating away at our institutions, values and national identity.

What’s more, they are also actively preventing us from defending our own country. Just look what happened when the Army said it wanted to put a 15 per cent cap on the number of recruits it takes from overseas.

The decision was taken because it believes that any more foreign soldiers would dilute the British Army’s cultural identity. No less troubling, there is also the risk that foreign soldiers in British ranks might be banned by their own governments from taking part in certain conflicts, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Read it all.

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