
First Watchmen Trailer

Here. Looks like the story may remain intact. That being said, I doubt it will be popular. Or maybe I have as little faith in humanity as its villain and one of its heroes.

Actually, I may have less...All I care about is that the graphic novel gets translated to the screen faithfully. I hold this story dear to my heart, and blasphemy will not be tolerated. I imagine that many who have read the graphic novel are just as adamant. After all, no sequel is even imaginable. Thus, we shouldn't fret about the box office numbers, just the story.


  1. From what I understand, they're trying to remain faithful to the graphic novel to a ridiculous level. Right down to the headlines and magazines on the news stand that is featured throughout the series. A lot of stuff is supposedly panel by panel transfer to the screen, much like "Sin City" (which I saw and liked) and "300" (which I haven't seen yet). It's actually the same director as 300...so it that a good thing?

  2. I saw 300 and then got the graphic novel afterward. It was remarkably faithful. I guess I'm now (happily) required to turn up a copy of the Watchmen and read it.

  3. It's the dark, surreal version of Atlas Shrugged, only darker than the darkest version of that.

    Humanity, it seems, is irredeemable. Who knew?

  4. The preview played before Hellboy 2. I didn't notice it before, but the World Trade Center towers are clearly visible in one shot. So they are doing the alternate history, 1980's story.

    We should all be thankful for that...
