
Arguments Vs Political Positioning Concerning Afghanistan

Galrahn at my favorite naval blog, Information Dissemination, provides a great commentary of Obama's speech regarding the increase of military forces to Afghanistan. Were that our cable channels so thorough and cogent. My favorite part, which touches on my earlier post:
Obama: Now, let me be clear: There has never been an option before me that called for troop deployments before 2010, so there has been no delay or denial of resources necessary for the conduct of the war during this review period. Instead, the review has allowed me to ask the hard questions and to explore all the different options, along with my national security team, our military, and civilian leadership in Afghanistan, and our key partners.
Information Dissemination: This is absolutely 100% accurate, and why people who have been crying about the Presidents "delay" are simply uninformed. Look at the historical statistics of casualties for OEF. Which armchair general on Fox News or anywhere else believes for a minute that the President has been wasting time? Whoever that person is; that is the person who I guess thinks we need to move our Army into Afghanistan just in time for winter.

Good strategy Mr. Political Talking Point... lets be like Napoleon and Hitler in Russia? On second thought, by acting now, we have time to prepare for the Spring offensive while the enemy huddles by the fire in their cave. In other words, we use mother nature to get a head start. That is the narrative that isn't mentioned in the political talking points, but I assure you is discussed in the DoD.
I know we have more to do in Afghanistan and that we have to do it. I find the whole endeavor distasteful, yet necessary. It's the best bad medicine that we can swallow now that the infection has been allowed to linger.

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