
Transparently Absurd

The Pope says that if you visit some dopey shrine your stint in purgatory will be shortened.
Catholic pilgrims who visit Lourdes from now through next year, which will mark the 150th anniversary of the miracle claim, will receive an "indulgence" from the Pope, which he says will speed the trip to heaven.
Who buys this bullshit? How about instead telling the third world that if you follow the Catholic church's policy against condoms, you're stint in purgatory will be sooner than you planned?


  1. Martin Luther, where art thou? Weren't indulgences one of the things that pissed ol' Marty off?

  2. Yowza, is Lourdes competing with Disneyland Paris now? I can't wait to see the Chick tract on this latest pronouncement from the Whore of Babylon!

  3. Wow, Indulgences... In addition to the whole Reformation thing, it seems like he's simply shilling for Lourdes. I like my villians clever & the nazi Pope is no Jack Chick, I tell you.
