sad•dle•back•ing \ˈsa-dəl-ˈba-kiŋ\ vb [fr. Saddleback Church] (2009): the phenomenon of Christian teens engaging in unprotected anal sex in order to preserve their virginitiesBrilliant!
A New Word In Honor Of Rick Warren
Dirty Harry - The Daily Beast
You won't believe what's in that stimulus bill.
Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things you couldn't do before.
So said White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in November, and Democrats in Congress are certainly taking his advice to heart. The 647-page, $825 billion House legislation is being sold as an economic "stimulus," but now that Democrats have finally released the details we understand Rahm's point much better. This is a political wonder that manages to spend money on just about every pent-up Democratic proposal of the last 40 years.
Ted Haggard, Part 2

As HBO prepares to air a documentary on Ted Haggard, a former church volunteer comes forward and accuses Haggard of being very inappropriate with him. And guess what? Haggard's church paid this guy off to keep quiet.
Then 22 years old, Haas admitted to Haggard that he was expelled from the Moody Bible Institute for “struggles with homosexuality.” He further claims that Pastor Ted’s “eyes lit up and his whole attitude towards me changed.” What followed was upwards of 2,000 text messages per month from Haggard chronicling the pastor’s sexual experiences and drug use.You really have to read this article and watch the video to get the extreme nausea caused by the confluence of sexual repression, self-loathing, dishonesty, superstition, and exploitation.
Even Whigs should find this interesting
KNOXVILLE – The Andrew Jackson Papers Project at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has helped solve the mystery surrounding a letter threatening the assassination of President Andrew Jackson.
The mystery centers on a July 4, 1835, letter received by Jackson and signed by Junius Brutus Booth. Booth was a flamboyant Shakespearean actor of the day -- and father of John Wilkes Booth, who would assassinate President Abraham Lincoln 30 years later, in 1865.
The letter, kept in the Library of Congress, says:
To His Excellency, General Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, Washington City,
You damn'd old Scoundrel if you don't sign the pardon of your fellow men now under sentence of Death, De Ruiz and De Soto, I will cut your throat whilst you are sleeping. I wrote to you repeated Cautions so look out or damn you. I'll have you burnt at the Stake in the City of Washington.
Your Master, Junius Brutus Booth.
You know me! Look out!
Letter threatening Jackson's life determined to be written by father of man who killed Lincoln
NASA Is Already Getting Gear Ready To Analyze Those Martian Farts

Science (potentially) can determine whether methane is biogenic or abiogenic. Already work is being done towards getting an instrument on Mars that can make that determination.
While its readings wouldn't be conclusive, they would be highly suggestive. Suggestive enough, let's hope, to convince the world that Mars should be explored more thoroughly (ie, by humans).
Science Is Happy
Staff members throughout the government’s scientific agencies held inaugural parties on Tuesday, and many reported being teary-eyed with joy. “If you look at the science world, you see a lot of happy faces,” said Frank Press, a former president of the National Academy of Sciences and former science adviser to President Jimmy Carter. “It’s not just getting money. It’s his recognition of what science can do to bring this country back in an innovative way.”It will be nice to have someone in office who views science as a solution instead of a nuisance.
Redone (Semi)Correctly
Movie Review: Phantom Of The Paradise

Truly ahead of its time, its flaws are--in retrospect--endearing. And you'll have to decide which is creepier: Paul Williams as Swan or the music (which he wrote) actually being good.
Movie Review: My Bloody Valentine 3-D

Schlocky, over-the-top, slasher horror fun. The 3-D was AMAZING, the plot semi-intriguing yet still comfortably formulaic, the actors (some throw-back) stilted, and the obligatory horror elements (teeners drinking where they shouldn't, boobies and crotch [in 3-D no less], red herrings, unbelievable 80's-style blood and guts) all were aggressively covered in what seemed to be a "FUCK YOU!" to the tired 90's self-reflective, minimalist gore horror genre of popular TV actors overstepping old stereotypes for overstepping's sake.
Thus, I loved it: the 3-D effects and the fantastic gore alone are worth every penny. Especially impressive was the miner's hat light shining through the screen (how did they do that?). But the movie could have easily failed as an effects piece and didn't, something rare both to the horror genre and 3-D genre.
I'd even watch it again in 2-D.
It had a preview of Coraline 3-D; we all have to go see that next month.
When I knew for sure I loved Firefly
Short Story Weirdness
by Jeff VanderMeer
VanderMeer is a well known sci-fi editor/writer and Argosy Quarterly was a well-respected mag that went under recently.
I find a lot of sci-fi subculture stuff searching for mp3's lately.
"You gotta keep 'em separated...."
WASHINGTON – Take that, Andromeda! For decades, astronomers thought when it came to the major galaxies in Earth's cosmic neighborhood, our Milky Way was a weak sister to the larger Andromeda. Not anymore.
The Milky Way is considerably larger, bulkier and spinning faster than astronomers once thought, Andromeda's equal.
Reflections On The (Evolved) Eye

Scientists discovered that the brownsnout spookfish, a deep-ocean denizen, uses mirrors to focus its eyes.
"In nearly 500 million years of vertebrate evolution, and many thousands of vertebrate species living and dead, this is the only one known to have solved the fundamental optical problem faced by all eyes - how to make an image - using a mirror," said Professor Julian Partridge, of Bristol University, who conducted the tests.This unique system was adapted to enhance the fish's ability to detect bioluminescence in the abyss. Remarkable...
Birmingham's Mayoral Scandal Just Got Gay
McCullom says the mayor wore a sackcloth and Rolex watch in April as he led a prayer rally against crime. "Oh and a children's charity founded by Langford is also being investigated by the feds for lavishly spending money and writing checks to a gay porn star Ryan Idol," according to McCullom. "None of this sounds very Christian," he writes.This guy needs to watch TBN more: it sounds VERY Christian to me. It sounds like the corrupt buffoonery of a very loathsome, superstitious man-child. Birmingham sure knows how to pick 'em!
Wherein Lies The Blame
Although support for Prop. 8 in the African-American community had been pegged as high as 70 percent by one previous postelection survey, this study — which not only reviewed pre- and postelection polls, but also crunched precinct-level election results and census data from Alameda, San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego counties, in which two-thirds of the state's African-Americans reside — found the number was between 57 percent and 59 percent.
And that number is more about religiosity than race, study co-author and New York University assistant professor of politics Patrick Egan said. While higher than the level of support among white and Asian-American voters, it's due to the higher rates of African-American church attendance: Fifty-seven percent of African-Americans attend church at least once a week, compared with 42 percent of whites and 40 percent of Asian-Americans, he said.
Unfortunately, superstition and misplaced allegiance to the corrupt sages of a compromised ideology trumped personal relations with the gays.
Even personal relationships with lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people paled in comparison to these factors, said study co-author Kenneth Sherrill, a political-science professor at Hunter College in New York City. Although two-thirds of California conservatives said they know or are related to LGBT people, four of five conservatives supported Prop. 8.
But hey--we've all known for years that our conservatives aren't really conservative (much less libertarian) anymore. Let's give it up for Bob Barr, the--still thinking--conservative come libertarian author of DOMA, who now supports its repeal:
In effect, DOMA’s language reflects one-way federalism: It protects only those states that don’t want to accept a same-sex marriage granted by another state. Moreover, the heterosexual definition of marriage for purposes of federal laws - including, immigration, Social Security survivor rights and veteran’s benefits - has become a de facto club used to limit, if not thwart, the ability of a state to choose to recognize same-sex unions.
Let's be clear: we have a federal government dictating what states should do, and states dictating the rights of a minority through the votes of the majority. All over religious-based sexual hang-ups concerning tax-paying citizens who want the same privileges afforded their civic equals.
No one reads history anymore...
Zombies & Nazis: Too good to be true?

This can only end in tears (of unbridled joy): Dead Snow's Nazi Zombie Clips Will Rip Out Your Pigtails on