White [Christian] Teens Beat Immigrant To Death
Why does the media not report the truth about Christians?
Don't even think for a second that if atheists or Muslims had done the beating that it wouldn't have been reported as such. The perpetrators' religions are unspecified (by design), and the conclusion is that they are simply racists. Yeah, Christian racists. Trinity-believing, bible-raised, baptized, sacrament-receiving CHRISTIAN RACISTS.
No wonder these precious people hold themselves in such high regard: they never have to take account for anything. What a sick ethic...
Don't even think for a second that if atheists or Muslims had done the beating that it wouldn't have been reported as such. The perpetrators' religions are unspecified (by design), and the conclusion is that they are simply racists. Yeah, Christian racists. Trinity-believing, bible-raised, baptized, sacrament-receiving CHRISTIAN RACISTS.
No wonder these precious people hold themselves in such high regard: they never have to take account for anything. What a sick ethic...
TV Review: Project Runway
Who watches this faggy shit? It's unbearable...

Oh, I guess that would be me. Until Keith gets booted. Now I know how all of those heteros who watched Baywatch felt. Ugghhh....I hate myself. I need to shower...

Oh, I guess that would be me. Until Keith gets booted. Now I know how all of those heteros who watched Baywatch felt. Ugghhh....I hate myself. I need to shower...
TV Review: Flipping Out

An interesting case study of the lives of a driven-but-mental homo and those who have to deal with him. Here's a successful guy who "flips" million-dollar houses but is so compulsive he has psychics do exorcisms on his houses. I love it.
Honestly, I wish I had a part of him in me. But only part. And not like that, sickos...
Movie Review: The Dark Knight
It's now #1 on IMDB's top 250 movies. While not the best movie ever, as that poll suggests, everyone's enthusiasm for the film is justified. GateTree, Tobermory, and I loved it; and that's not just because we saw it in a theater that serves booze. It's dark and sick and tense, but also hilarious if you really don't like people. Almost all the performances were great, I was never bored, and I was frequently surprised/mortified.
Finally, proving that even sick drag is great art:

"You complete me."
Finally, proving that even sick drag is great art:

"You complete me."
I [Heart] "Good Christian Folk"
Whenever you start to feel down, you can always count on ignorant, bigoted zombie worshipers to lift up your spirits and make you think, "Hey, at least I'm not a dum-dum!" So cheer yourself up by reading Wonkette's great listing of anti-homo posts on a boycott McDonald's site. It's precious.
None of us are big gamers, but this trailer is undeniable in its creepy geek appeal (and an age limit!):
TV Review: The Middleman

ABC Family's cross between Men in Black and Buffy the Vampire Slayer--The Middleman--is mildly interesting and mildly funny. That's not a great endorsement from a guy who likes the idea of a show with an episode in which a breed of flying trout bites people and turns them into zombies. I see no impending darkness, and I'm already bored with the excessive camp.
Only for weird homos with a crush on Matt Keesler. Even then, I don't know...
TV Review: Dave Attell's Gong Show
Unwatchable, and I like Dave Attell.
Unwatchable, and I like Dave Attell.
Movie Review: Hellboy 2

To call Hellboy 2 visionary and beautiful would be unnecessary, but I'll say it anyway. In addition, the film has a lot of heart (like its predecessor) and some great, great humor. I laughed so hard I cried at one scene (two words: Barry Manilow). While not a masterpiece, it is a thoroughly delightful and engaging fairy tale. The actors and director should be thanked for some brave, touching performances. And as always, del Toro = amazing creatures. Not just farcical CGI caricatures, like that hack Lucas, but visceral, imaginative, jaw-dropping, sympathetic creatures.
In addition, the underlying message of nerd pride/geek pride/gay pride/outcast pride hit my g-spot. The message: we will defend the masses out of conscience; but that conscience only goes so far as our love for our true identities and our love for our brethren will take us. The movie explores the length of our empathetic chain to those who don't understand, nor wish to tolerate, our differences.
The film has no stinger, as I had read, so don't stay until the end unless you like watching 10 minutes of Spanish names fly in front of your face.
Finally, the addition of the dive-suited ethereal Johann Krauss character, voiced by Seth MacFarlane, was brilliance. His Colonel Klink-esque accent and slowly developed character depth (which should make any future sequel...interesting) helped make the movie.
"You can suck my ectoplasmic Schwanzstücke!"
First Watchmen Trailer

Here. Looks like the story may remain intact. That being said, I doubt it will be popular. Or maybe I have as little faith in humanity as its villain and one of its heroes.
Actually, I may have less...All I care about is that the graphic novel gets translated to the screen faithfully. I hold this story dear to my heart, and blasphemy will not be tolerated. I imagine that many who have read the graphic novel are just as adamant. After all, no sequel is even imaginable. Thus, we shouldn't fret about the box office numbers, just the story.
A "Nudge" towards a new Nannydom
Just a shiny new term for a hoary old concept: making the great unwashed do what "the intelligentsia" wants.
In The Guardian:
From Obama to Cameron, why do so many politicians want a piece of Richard Thaler?
In The Guardian:
From Obama to Cameron, why do so many politicians want a piece of Richard Thaler?
Ah, Mr. Jefferson
As I get ready for next school year, I'm going to make sure I work this one in as part of my work for the forces of good - "Nation's third president compiled the four Gospels into a single text without miracles that ends with Jesus' burial rather than the resurrection." - (article, the text)
A Sick, Twisted, Petty Bigot

Jesse Helms is dead. Long live the Republic!
On homosexuals: "weak, morally sick wretches" "degenerate"
On HIV (in 1988): "There is not one single case of AIDS in this country that cannot be traced in origin to sodomy."
On civil rights activists: "Negro hoodlums" "Communists and sex perverts"
On our neighbors to the south: "All Latins are volatile people."
On building a North Carolina zoo: "why not just build a fence around Chapel Hill?"
On UNC: "the University of Negroes and Communists"
Who should mourn this man?
Do You See An Ocean Around Here?
Essentially a 4000 rounds-per-minute Gatling gun mounted underneath a radar, these autonomous systems (colloquially called R2-D2s by the Navy) spray a wall of bullets at incoming targets, reacting faster than any human could. Regularly criticized (and now being replaced in the Navy), Phalanx is proving in the deserts of Iraq what it never got to on the ocean: it works.
Make sure to wait for the end, when you get to see a night-firing in Iraq.
Chameleons Are Weird
For Tobermory, a newly discovered chameleon that is probably not suited for her Apocalyptic Petting Zoo:

The Malagasy chameleon spends most of its short life in an egg.

The Malagasy chameleon spends most of its short life in an egg.
Finally, Congressional Oversight
Congress finally starts doing what it's supposed to: check the executive branch. No surprise it involves oil and Iraq, and it's not going to be pretty.
I don't think this story of oil deals should surprise anyone, nor should anything else that comes out of other congressional investigations into how this administrations was [not] run.
Congress, hold him to those words.
I don't think this story of oil deals should surprise anyone, nor should anything else that comes out of other congressional investigations into how this administrations was [not] run.
The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.-Patrick Henry
I'm the decider.-George W. Bush
Congress, hold him to those words.
Not The Air Force...
The Air Force doesn't protect our nukes very well? In an administration that has placated their every whine, acted on their every war plan (against the advice of the Navy/Marines), favored their projects and weaponry, and ignored their experienced, sagacious senior warriors?
In the Air Force? Whose Academy is busy proselytizing to non-Christians instead of what? Teaching basic security procedures for apocalyptic weaponry?
NO.....Tell me it's not so...
In the Air Force? Whose Academy is busy proselytizing to non-Christians instead of what? Teaching basic security procedures for apocalyptic weaponry?
NO.....Tell me it's not so...
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